Thursday, 12 June 2008


pls note that i wasn't holding up my fist or what in the picture (like putting up with the informal everyone-knows-it act like 'yesh!' or what). i was just trying to shove a strain of hair away from my face.

ok. back to what i'm supposed to blog.

the road trip was okie. lotsa stopovers in between. it was tiring in a way that we had to shift from motels/inns/hotels every single day. nomadic life. and mdmY was saying that we were on the run, like the refugees like that. wakakakka.

too lazy to post up the zillions of pictures that i took. though i already ps-ed some of it. but heck, too lazy to post up.

i'm kind of excited for the party that we gonna have this sat. i mean, my life's been so dull as there's not much of happenings lately. ok, mayb there's.. like i havn't shitted for 2 days now? wtf.

u guys have no idea how much pain and susahpayahness that i had to go through and endure during the roadtrips ok. i'm so gonna reveal about my secret that i've been keeping away from public (except my family!) that i do have constipation problem ONLY when i'm out of the house and on the move like- traveling, shifting from a place to another and stuff. i've this really retarded attitude (not that i can control it or whatnot) that i cannot shit except when i'm at home. grrr

the sohs know about it and 4thsissoh got me packets of fibres. and i've been taking this fibres for quite some time now whenever i feel there's a need. so anyways, as retarded as i'm, i was reminded by 4thsissoh to bring the stuffs here. so fearing that i might encounter the shit problem that drives me nuts, i brought packets and packets of the stupidstuffs here.

i brought it with me when i was on the roadtrip, but heck, the stupid fibres thingy didn't work. and i felt so damn awful with the bloated tummy, and felt guilty to eat too much when i didn't shit for days. so u see, how to enjoy my holidays like that. cis.
and the major concern my family had everyday was - whether or not did i shit that particular day.
but best thing is, once i said i am gonna try go pangsai no matter what, fulamak, i was like the almightyqueen. everyone had to give way to me, and the washroom is all mine. i could sit on the toiletseat for hours - just to find out my shits are like the minniemouse's sais! (literally means, very little) and then when i got out from the toilet, everyone gonna ask me ' did u manage to shit? shit a lot or not?' wtf. so you see, my constipation is really an issue, big ones! in the Sohs.

and i have no ideas how many bananas had i consumed! and the most expensive bananas that we bought is one freaking dollar for one banana!

my friend actually taught me a method, and that's to eat one banana then consume a cup of coffee soon after that, and according to him, that will surely make u lausai. i tried that before when i was in us. it worked somehow. i shitted but i didn't really lausai. just pang sai. wtf.

ok, enough for my shits.

i cant wait for this sat! 2ndsissoh has invited all the msian students to come for the party so that literally means i get to meet up with more humans instead of face to face with the same old persons everyday. and i hope there'll be a campfire cause i'm longing for one! i love campfires! weather has been driving us mad lately. gloomy and rainy and cold weather. makes me feel so pekchek all the time. so seriously hope and pray that the weather will be perfectly well and fine this sat. fingers crossed. amen.

i miss my friends. kawankawan skalian, am i dah forgotten?lama tak dengar from u all.
miss hanging out with my friends and girlgirl,boyboy,jien,joanne,ahsiang. i miss these people heaps. sigh.

miss skuling too. miss attending lectures and jolting down notes. wtf.

i soooooo don't wanna stay in overseas (kalau ada chancelah). swear. i wouldn't want to stay anywhere other than msia! dump me in kl which has the worse dirty polluted air and so damn congested, or even pg which comes second after kl, i also don't mind! but definitely not anywhere outside msia! sucky weather makes people grumpy and moody. makes my skin damn dry and cacat. and all the pimples.. sigh. really no cure. feeling ugly and retarded. i need a dramatic and extreme makeover! to cheer me up. like seriously. god.

ps: i swear by my name that i'm NOT gonna cut my hair for the next half a year. miss my long hair so much so that i've been complaining to mrS and mdmY every single day and don't know how many times per day that my hair damn short and that i'm so regret blablabla.

me: pa, u think my hair is nice?
mrS: yes. very nice leh.
me: but dont u think it's too short?
mrS: nope, just nice.
me: but i like my previous long hair! so nice!
mrS: where got, this one nicer.
me: serious or not?
mrS:uh nya one. i like this one. last time one toh lok eh sui. very sam si soi (means messy).
me: but i like it so much and i miss it still!
mrS: *speechless*
me:damn regret! sien lah.
mrS:it'll grow longer one. don't worry.
me:but i want my long hair back now!
mrS: *speechless*

then i'll go over to mdmY and bug her with the same questions.

and i think they are so sick of me asking and telling and complaining to them so much about my hair that i think they gonna disown me soon. wtf.

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